
The Importance of Firearms Training For Public Safety

Posted on September 5th, 2024


When it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of our communities, the importance of proper firearm training cannot be overstated.


Consider the peace of mind that comes from knowing every gun owner in your neighborhood is wel…

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Gun-Free Zones: A False Sense of Security

Gun-Free Zones: A Complex Debate

The issue of gun-free zones has been a contentious topic for decades, with passionate arguments on both sides.Proponents of gun-free zones often cite the belief that restricting firearms in certain areas, such as schools, governmen…

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Concealed Carry Laws In Colorado: What You Need To Know

Posted on July 30th, 2024


Picture this: you're going about your daily routine, and you have the peace of mind of knowing that you're prepared for any situation, thanks to your concealed carry weapon (CCW). But ensuring that peace of mind isn’t just about having …

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How Firearm Simulation Training Prepares You For Real-life?

Posted on July 30th, 2024


In firearm training, one of the most effective methods to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experience is simulation training.


By imitating realistic scenarios, whether it's a home defense situation or navigat…

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Semi-Auto vs. Automatic: Understanding the Firearm Firing System

Semi-Auto vs. Automatic: Understanding the Firearm Firing System

As a gun enthusiast, you've likely encountered the terms "semi-automatic" and "automatic" firearms. While they sound similar, these categories represent distinct firing mechanisms with significant le…

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The Importance of a Responsible Gun Ownership Mindset

Posted on July 2nd, 2024


Ensuring safety for yourself, your family, and your community begins with a deep understanding of responsible gun ownership. At its core, being a responsible gun owner means recognizing both the power and potential dangers of firearms. I…

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Why Women Should Take a Firearms Training Class: Empowered and Safe

Firearms training offers numerous benefits, particularly for women seeking empowerment and safety. In a world where personal security is increasingly important, learning to handle a firearm can provide women with a unique sense of control and independence. This tr…

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What to Do When Police Pull You Over: Have a Smooth Encounter
Image Source: Mark Guim, under A ttribution License.
Posted on June 7th , 2024.

Understanding what to do when police pull you over is essential for ensuring a safe and smooth encounter. In this blog post, we offer professional insights to help you navigate these s…

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A Day On The Range-Empowering Women through Firerarms Training

Last month, I had the pleasure of teaching a Basics of Pistol class to three remarkable women who had never fired a gun before. As a firearms instructor, it's always exciting to guide beginners through their first shooting experience, but two of them were extraor…

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True Tales of Self-Defense: Stories of Survival from Colorado and Beyond

1. The Colorado Store Clerk's Stand

In a quaint Colorado town nestled amidst picturesque mountains, a routine evening at a local convenience store took a terrifying turn for one brave clerk. As the clock ticked towards closing time, a masked figure burst through…

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Reactive Targets 101: Transforming Your Handgun Accuracy Overnight

Hey there, fellow handgun enthusiasts! Ever had those days at the range where you feel like you're shooting in the dark, so you bring your target in after every shot to see if you made an impact? It's frustrating, isn't it? No longer need to feel this way, because…

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Top 5 Handgun Shooting Drills For Self-Defense Training

Posted on March 22nd, 2024

Your safety and security are of paramount concern, mastering the art of defensive shooting is more than just a skill—it's a necessity. 

The right handgun drills can make a difference in critical situations, transforming a moment of vul…

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The Importance of Mental Preparation In Defensive Shooting

Posted on March 22nd, 2024

The realm of defensive shooting extends far beyond the mere physical manipulation of firearms. It encompasses a crucial, often underestimated component: mental preparation. 

Mental readiness in self-defense serves as the foundation upo…

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What Is Dry Fire Practice? Tips and Exercises You Can Practice At Home

Posted on March 7th, 2024

Are you looking to enhance your shooting skills without the need for live ammunition? 

Dry fire practice is a technique that has been gaining popularity among shooters of all levels for its effectiveness and convenience. 

At its core, …

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How Often Should You Practice Shooting At The Gun Range?

Posted on March 7th, 2024

Mastering the art of shooting is akin to honing any other skill—it requires dedication, precision, and, most importantly, regular practice. 

The frequency of your visits to the gun range can significantly impact your proficiency with fi…

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Gun Safety Tips: How To Properly Secure Your Gun At Home?

Posted on February 5th, 2024

In today's society, where guns are a common household item, understanding and implementing gun safety is more crucial than ever. 

The prevalence of firearms brings with it a significant responsibility to ensure they are stored and ha…

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The Importance of Firearm Training For Anyone Who Owns a Gun

Posted on February 5th, 2024

In the realm of responsible gun ownership, the significance of firearm training cannot be overstated. It serves as a fundamental pillar for ensuring safety, proficiency, and confidence among gun owners. 

With the rise in firearm purc…

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Top 3 Most Common Types of Proper Shooting Stances

Posted on January 11th, 2024

Mastering the art of shooting is not just about precision and control; it's fundamentally rooted in adopting the right shooting stances. 

Whether you're handling a pistol or a rifle, the stance you choose can significantly impact you…

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How Often Should You Clean Your Gun

Posted on January 11th, 2024

Maintaining your firearm is a crucial aspect of responsible gun ownership. It's not just about keeping your weapon in top condition; it's about ensuring safety and reliability when you need it most. 

When it comes to the question of …

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"Firing Up Festivities: Embracing the Holiday Spirit in the Firearms Community"

"Firing Up Festivities: Embracing the Holiday Spirit in the Firearms Community"


The holiday season is a time of joy, togetherness, and, surprisingly for some, a touch of firepower. In the world of firearms enthusiasts, Christmas takes on a unique fl…

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Seat at the Table

As Thanksgiving approaches, many are preparing for a feast with loved ones and indulging in delicious food. It's a time of celebration and gratitude, but it's also important to remember those less fortunate. I know firsthand what it feels like to be homeless and a…

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A Reflection through the Eyes of a Veteran

Veterans Day is a solemn occasion, a day when our nation collectively pauses to honor and express gratitude to those who have served in the armed forces. It's a day to remember and appreciate the sacrifices, both seen and unseen, made by our veterans. As a vetera…

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Home Robbery!

The Unthinkable Intrusion: What It's Like to Experience a Home Robbery


Home is a sanctuary, a place of comfort, security, and peace. It's where we create cherished memories, where we feel safe and protected from the outside world. But what happens …

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Gun Songs

Artists have been known for their ability to captivate audiences with their powerful voices and heartfelt lyrics. For years, some of these talented performers have taken a bold step by incorporating songs about guns into their repertoire. Here are ten extraordinar…

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What's the Difference?

The difference between a $3000 gun and a $300 gun lies primarily in their quality, performance, materials, craftsmanship, and features. A higher price tag generally signifies a superior product in terms of design, materials used, precision manufacturing, and addit…

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Integrating Technology for Firearm Safety

Firearm safety is of paramount importance to prevent accidents, unauthorized access, and misuse of firearms. In recent years, advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative solutions to enhance firearm safety. Integrating technology into firearms and…

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Guns For Home Protection

Living with guns in residential settings is a topic that has sparked numerous debates and misconceptions. In an effort to demystify the myths surrounding firearms, it is crucial to approach the subject with facts and objectivity. Understanding the realities of liv…

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Fourth Of July

The Fourth of July, often known as Independence Day, is a significant day of celebration in the United States, commemorating the country's declaration of independence from British rule in 1776. It is a day when Americans come together to honor the sacrifices made …

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What Fathers Want On Father's Day

Fathers, like individuals, have diverse preferences and interests, so what they want most on Father's Day can vary. However, there are some common desires and gifts that are often appreciated by fathers. Here are a few ideas:

1. Quality time with family: Many fat…

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How Memorial Day Became a Holiday

The Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, was one of the deadliest conflicts in American history. The war pitted the Union Army against the Confederate States of America and resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Many military personnel lost …

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Discover How We Started Celebrating Mothers Part 1

Mother's Day is a widely celebrated holiday dedicated to honoring the women who have made sacrifices and provided unconditional love in our lives. But when did this tradition begin? The origins of Mother's Day can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where mot…

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In this article, I want to talk about four levels of fear that we might encounter and how to reduce that fear. I'm not talking about the fear of riding a bike for the first time or jumping out of an airplane. I'm talking about the fear of a home invasion.


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Gunpowder and Lead, Wasn’t That A Song?

With the prevalence of gun violence today, it is important to understand more about the potential health risks associated with guns. Many people are unaware of the dangers of gunpowder and lead from shooting guns. Gunpowder and lead can be a dangerous combinatio…

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Trusting Your Gut

Every day, we make decisions based on opinions and facts. However, sometimes it can be hard to know which is the right choice to make. That’s when trusting your gut feeling can come in handy – this instantaneous knowledge can help you make the best decision for yo…

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Protecting The Home In 2023

As the New Year starts, home owners may take advantage of gun ownership as an additional layer of protection. With the right policies in place, owning a gun can be an effective tool for self-defense and peace of mind.

In today’s world, home owners are at greater r…

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Happy Holidays

We are well into the Holiday season, and many can find this time of year very stressful. I know. I'm one of them. I have listed some things to consider while feeling stressed, depressed, or anxious.

  1. Understand that you're not alone - Many of us out there stress ov…
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top 5 Concealed Carry Guns 2023

My top five handguns for 2023

  • Glock 17
  • SIG Sauer P365
  • Springfield Armory Hellcat
  • Walther PPQ
  • Glock 43 9mm

Are you looking for the right firearm to buy your loved one this holiday?

Below you will find the top five firearms for 2023.

  1. Glock 17 -The newest Gen5 comes with…
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Youth and Teen Shooting Scholarships

Sports Shooting Scholarships - A Guide for Parents, Youth and Teens

Sports shooting is a great way for youth and teens to get involved in a challenging and rewarding activity. There are many different scholarships available to those who excel in sports shooting. T…

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Make My Day

What is the Make My Day statute in Colorado?

In my CCW classes I almost always get asked about self-defense within the home.

“If someone broke down my door, do I have the right to shoot them?”  “What if they see me and turn to run out of the house, but I’m able to…

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Alcohol Death On The Rise

NCHS has historically collected data on various health behaviors, including alcohol use, since the arrival of the pandemic, vital statistics show that there has been a surge in alcohol-induced deaths, an increase from slightly over 39,000 deaths in 2019 to just ov…

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Colorado Crime is Rising!

I found this article and wanted to share.

Something to think about when demanding that law-biding citizens lose their rights to carry and own firearms.

Crime is rising in Colorado. This state data shows by how much and where

By Allison Sherry· Mar. 10, 2022, 4:00 …

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5 Ideas to Keep Your Child Safe Around firearms

5 Ideas to Keep Your Child Safe Around Firearms

We all want to keep our children safe, but sometimes we don't know where to start. When it comes to firearms, it's important to have a plan in place to make sure your little ones are as safe as possible. Here are fiv…

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Who's Protecting Us?

Denver passed a law that law-bidding citizens are no longer allowed to carry concealed in public buildings or public parks. We can't even protect oursleves or our families in public! Did you notice I said "law bidding" and that's because in order for someone to c…

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Women and Guns: An Empowering Combination

Women and Guns: An Empowering Combination

 The vast majority of American women do not own guns. In fact, only around 22% of women in the United States own firearms, according to a 2017 report from the Pew Research Center.

People often ask why women are pro-gun fe…

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Help! there is a gun in my house!

Last week I received a call from a woman asking if I taught firearm safety. I said "yes" and explained the class outline. The woman, Laurie, told me that their son had served in the Marines, came home for a while and since moved out of state, leaving his 9mm gun b…

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I Can't hear you!

What are the best ear muffs you can get right now? Below is some of the best rated ear muffs on Amazon. If you don’t have good ear protection your hearing will suffer, this list will help protect your ears and stay safe at the range.

1. Walker's Razor Slim Ultra L…

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Size Matters, Does Length?

It's a common question: does barrel length matter when it comes to guns? The answer, as with most things in life, is that it depends. For pistols, a longer barrel may provide greater accuracy due to the longer sight radius. (The sight radius is the distance betwee…

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Do you know the law

My wife came across this article and after reading it, I wondered how many of you would have shot at some one who was stealing from you?

April 14, 2022, 5:31 AM MDT / Source: Associated Press

By The Associated Press

A Southern California shoe store owner opened fi…

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Level Up

From time to time I come across a diamond in the rough. That's what happened at my Basics Of Pistol Class this last weekend. A young man, 21 yrs. old took my class just days before buying his first pistol. Tyler had never fired a gun and couldn't wait to take the …

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Warning Shots

It’s 1 am and you hear your neighbor (who has been threatening to harm you in the past) yelling for you to open the door.  You open the door and tell him to go away, he steps back into the yard and pulls a knife and demands you step outside so he can kill you.  Fe…

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There's a better way!

As gun owners, we understand there will be times when we will experience the lows in our lives that come from arguments, break-ups, divorce, death of a loved one or from personal pain, like back injuries or surgeries.

Most are able to keep those lows at bay, not a…

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Dogs Fight Back

Just the other day I took my dog to the vet for her shots. While Callie was receiving her exam the doc and I started talking about her anxiety. I told her that I teach gun safety and when I pull out my training gun to practice, she will run to my wife and push her…

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Guns and POO

When you carry concealed, sometimes things can get a little constipated, I mean complicated!

I don't know why, but every time I go to Costco, I have to use the restroom and that means I have to figure out what to do with my firearm while taking care of business, s…

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